DGLR-Publikationsdatenbank - Detailansicht

T. Stindl, T. Cziep, M. Ehresmann, M. Fugmann, G. Herdrich, S. Klinkner
Within the project IRAS (Integrated Research Platform for Affordable Satellites), digital tools for the fast and semi-automated early design of space missions are being developed. The constellation design tool TOCASTA (Tool for Constellation and Satellite Trade-off Analysis) identifies possible satellite constellation solutions based on coverage requirements using a semi-analytical method. It uses the commercial simulation software ASTOS to refine solutions for optimized constellation design, and performs an automated mission analysis for each solution, aided by the ESA-DRAMA software. The satellite design tool ESDC (Evolutionary System Design Converger) accelerates spacecraft design using heuristic scaling laws and evolutionary algorithms. These laws, in combination with user-defined requirements, generate estimates for subsystems, while parametric models and component-based dimensioning further predict detailed spacecraft designs. Evolutionary algorithms optimize each configuration to minimize the overall system mass. The Digital Concurrent Engineering Platform DCEP offers a web-based service for cooperative model-based systems engineering, and acts as platform for the software-aided design process by providing an intuitive user interface. It contains a parametric representation of the satellite and manages data transfer and integration of other IRAS- and third-party tools. The tools are coupled to the DCEP via an SSH-based method that allows data linking and management of the tools as well as accessing their results via the DCEP user interface, with minimal effort for the tool providers. As a first test of the coupled system of tools and DCEP, an exemplary satellite mission design has been conducted. The tools were utilized successfully via the DCEP to design several satellite constellations with different coverage requirements and altitudes. Mass and power budgets as well as thruster recommendations for the individual satellites were established for the different constellation solutions. The coupling of DCEP and tools allowed a seamless transfer of TOCASTA output data to the ESDC, enabling the rapid computation and evaluation of a large number of designs. Potential improvements in user experience and beneficial additional features were identified.
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023, Stuttgart
Verlag, Ort:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2023
Conference Paper
21,0 x 29,7 cm, 11 Seiten
Stichworte zum Inhalt:
IRAS, MBSE, Concurrent Engineering, Constellation Design, Spacecraft Design, Satellite Constellations
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Stindl, T.; Cziep, T.; et al. (2023): Application of Automated Design Tools for Satellite Missions with the Design Platform DCEP. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.. (Text). https://doi.org/10.25967/610236. urn:nbn:de:101:1-2023101313494901424213.
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