DGLR-Publikationsdatenbank - Detailansicht

S.T. Gulani, M. Reinhold, N. Raaf, V. Bolat, D. Scholz
Purpose - This poster presents an aerospace classification and explains its logic. The classification is checked and presented throughout the thesis in various forms. Furthermore, HTML, PDF, and Excel versions have been made available online. --- Methodology - A review of aerospace classifications was conducted. A classification authored originally for the "Aims and Scope" section of the journal "Advances in Aerospace Science and Technology" (AAST) was selected and applied to the requirements from DIN 32705. --- Findings - The classification from AAST was found to be the most suitable classification in the field of aerospace (aeronautics, astronautics, and aerospace sciences) thus far. It largely corresponds to the standard in terms of content and structure. Some minor changes were introduced. --- Practical implications - The new classification can be used in the publishing industry in libraries and archives. It can also be used in all situations in aerospace where a logical structure of the domain is required. It could be used, for example, to structure organizations or statistical investigations. Moreover, this thesis can be used as an example for establishing other classifications according to DIN 32705. --- Originality - Thus far, a standard classification does not exist in the field of aerospace. This new classification, published for the first time, has the potential to fill this niche.
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023, Stuttgart
Conference Poster
Stichworte zum Inhalt:
Luftfahrt, Raumfahrt, Wissenschaft, Klassifikation, Bibliothek, Bibliothekswesen, Dezimalklassifikation, Archivierung, Taxonomie, Kategorisierung, Luftfahrtwissenschaft, Raumfahrtwissenschaft, Aeronautics, Astronautics, Aerospace engineering, Classification, Dewey decimal classification, Library catalogs, Archives, Publishers and publishing, Taxonomists
Verlag, Ort, Veröffentlicht:
, 2023
Aufnahme in die Datenbank: