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AS 332 MkII - Development and Certification

J.P. Dedieu, A. Fleischmann
The subject is an overview of the AS 332 MKII development and certification process. based on the main definition differences and specificities. compared with its "elder brother" AS 332 MKI CL and L 1 versions). About 80 % of the aircraft definition is new or has been modified. specially concerning the rotors and transmissions, the avionics and electrical power system. These modifications were Intended to meet the following main objectives: - Set new standards for this helicopter category In terms of: safety. maintenance. passenger and crew comfort (vibration level, air conditioning. Crew work load). - Generally speaking, enhance the product based on MK I experience. The total development and certification process, to meet first DGAC certification for the basic aircraft. Took place within 6 years. This certification was granted on l 2th June 1991. and will be followed by DGAC and CAA offshore version certification at the very beginning of 1992. Delivery to the 1st customer Is planned during the 2nd quarter of 1992. This development has been conducted with 3 prototype helicopters. Which have logged 800 flight hours since 1987, Including approximately 300 hours for certification purposes within the last 12 months. AS 332 MKII is currently the only helicopter In this category (up to 20000 Pds) certified according to FAR 29 Amendment 24 and a number of special conditions Including In particular: - EMI protection (Up to 600 V /m). - Foreign object damage resistance. - Single engine "super contingency" power (OEI 30"). Full demonstrations were also carried out for certification purposes. In particular for: - Composite structure. According to the latest standards of damage tolerance justification - Critical composite parts, following a damage tolerance approach - Damage tolerance for each critical composite part. - Fatigue substantiation tests for new rotor and transmission parts. - Flight endurance trials. The planned production rate of Super Puma MKII is 30 helicopters per year, by 1995.
17th European Rotorcraft Forum 1991, Berlin
Conference Paper
21,0 x 29,7 cm, 11 Seiten
DGLR-Bericht, 1991, 1991-08, 17th European Rotorcraft Forum Proceedings; 1991; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn
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Stichworte zum Inhalt:
certification, helicopters, as 322 helicopter

Dieses Dokument ist Teil einer übergeordneten Publikation051:
17th European Rotorcraft Forum Proceedings